After a long spring and a long summer of summer school for our little J, we decided to keep him in Kindergarten one more year. Something in my gut was just saying "a little more time" was what was best for J. So, on August 19th, I packed him up and dropped him off at the bus stop. I don't think I've ever prayed so hard for J to have a good day....and not a repeat of last year. Day 1 passed....then Day 2.....and I thought why haven't we heard from his new teacher? What's happening in the classroom? Prior to the school year, we had advocated for J to increase the amount of time in the Special Ed. classroom as there would not be an aide in the regular room this year. And, it worried us.
So, a week passes and I get a note from his teacher indicating things were going well. I couldn't believe it. I thought, what does well mean? And, who is defining it? I remember it was only a few months ago where we were dealing with tantrums, kicking chairs, acting out, refusing to write, and other behaviors. How, in over the course of a couple of months, had things changed?
Well, it's been about 5 weeks of the school year thus far....and while we are still cautious, things are going AMAZINGLY well! J is writing his name, doing his homework, sitting in the circle, sitting in his desk, standing in line and even carrying his tray in the lunchroom! Who is this child? His teacher has been very patient and has also been surprised at how well he's doing. Granted, he is still behind, which we expected -but he can finally function in a school. YAHOO!!!! Thank God for very small miracles - and blessings.....